Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pre-departure to Guatemala - Stressful Events

Antigua, Guatemala
I made it to Guatemala! I’m so excited I’m trembling (that could actually just be shivers from the cold. It's freezing at night!) I had two lay overs in Miami and Panama; I boarded three planes from Newark to Miami to Panama to Guatemala. It was an exhausting trip.

Stressful things that happened before my flight
I was originally going to fly out on Sunday, December 16th and stay for five weeks until January 18th. I went back home to NJ from Ithaca on the Thursday before the 16th and realized later that evening that I’d left my passport in my dorm room. I was four hours away by car from Cornell. I froze in the middle of a conversation I was having with my brother when I’d suddenly realized in horror that I didn’t have my passport with me. If it weren’t for my roommate I wouldn’t be able to leave the country, so I thank her so much for mailing me my passport. I call this one of the stupidest mistakes I’ve made because it cost me a lot of money: to cancel the flight and to rebook.

Here's another stressful event I encountered before boarding my flight: I thought I was going to have a heart attack at the Newark International airport. My first flight was at 9:12AM to Miami, and I’d just gotten on the long line to have my bag checked at 8. (Tip to everyone:
NEVER arrive only an hour before your flight! Always two!) It was already about 8:25 by the time I got to the front. Once I had everything checked, my boarding passes printed, my carry-on backpack on my back, and ready to look for the gate to board the plane after the next checking point, the agent suddenly stopped me and said, “Excuse me, ma’am, your bag is 6 pounds overweight. We’re going to have to charge you $200.” I screamed internally, glancing at the time on my phone. It glared 8:35, 2 minutes from boarding time. “I don’t have that money,” I said outright. The agent shrugged his shoulders, “I’m sorry, ma’am, but you can’t board the flight unless you pay the fee or take out the 6 pounds.”

I had no choice but to drop to the floor in the middle of the airport and remove some clothes, my flat iron, a few shoes, and anything else I thought might’ve weighed a lot. I stuffed these things into my carry-on bag. If I hadn’t been so flustered and worried that I was going to miss my flight I would’ve been embarrassed. I didn’t take out a full 6 pounds but they accepted it at 52. I then sprinted for my flight, managing to make it before they shut the doors.

Pictures of Miami and Panama City
I’d taken a couple of pictures of Miami upon flying out, and Panama City upon arriving. I believe we flew over Cuba as well. It would’ve been awesome to spend at least a day in each city. Notice the blatant differences in infrastructure. Even the skies look different. That could just be a slight difference in weather and time of day.

Miami, FL
Panama City, Panama

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